28 March 2013

A is for...***


Y'all, my hunka hunka burnin' love has been in 'merica for 20ish days now and I cannot WAIT for this man to come back home. The thing is, I LOVE him for the fact that he went there to help his mom and be a hands-on son. My mother-in-law (even though this post isn't about the letter "M") totally bought me a cast iron griddle to thank me for loaning him out for 3 weeks. She totally didn't have to do that, but now we get to use the Star Wars pancake molds my friend Danielle gave us a couple years ago. Speaking of Anthony and Star Wars, I love this man and his unashamed fondness for that beloved space opera that happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. He is just as excited about the griddle as me, because I bet he's already had the same idea I have about adding green food coloring to the batter for the Yoda mold. What's not to love about a man eating pointed-ear green pancakes? He a researcher, which, in stark contrast to my jump in with both feet-ness, has greatly improved the quality of our life. Part of the conversation on our birthday date to the Mexican place in town went like this,

Anthony: "This drink is good. I bet I could make this."
Me: "You think? Why not just come here though?"
Anthony: "It looked easy from what they said it was made from on the menu. It'll be fun."

And so part of our post birthday meal included him looking up a "Horchata" recipe and having it made by the next morning. He's aggrivates and makes me so proud simultaneously with his humility about his abilities. He won't push his skills on anyone, so I play talent agent. "Oh what? You didn't know my husband was incredibly good at _________? He IS! You should get him to help you with that." He has become a dedicated runner and although I knew when I married him that the best was yet to come, that man has gotten into such good shape the last year and a half and is sexier than ever these days. Cap off the commitment to family, the nerdiness, the talent, and the hott-ness with a HEAVY dose of good theology and a desire to live out his beliefs and you have, quite simply, the man of my dreams.  Can't wait to have you back Love!

***So now that you've read my "A" post, if you have a blog, write a "B is for..." post on yours! Then encourage your readers to follow suit with "C" and so on. Leave a comment on my blog letting me know your blog address so I can read what you have to say about the letter B! ***

23 March 2013

Day 15 without Daddy...the Upside

The man of this house is in the US of A at this moment and he has been for over 2 weeks. 
Last minute loaves of bread, grocery shopping, killing roaches, fixing dinner, growing a baby, and remembering to fill up the gas tank are all tasks that are SO much easier with my hubs around.
Suction cups for birdseed holders. Hook direction is a hard concept to grasp.
 Y'all didn't judge me did you? When you came to the blog (thanks!) and saw that same video from 2 weeks ago? I didn't think so.

We are actually fairing pretty well. Anthony is home taking care of stuff with family that can only be taken care of in person.

Side note: I've actually had a couple of you ask if he was home doing something related to adoption. That's not the case, but I find it so incredibly pleasant that that's the kind of thing you all have come to expect from us.
Our bird holding the "bird pellets." We searched 4 different pet stores and this was the ONLY kind of bird food we could find. No bueno.
 Part of our success in surviving without Daddy is that friends have felt pity, stepped up their game, and been so helpful. And by "helpful" I mean "free maternity clothes," "come play in the exclusive pool in our neighborhood that you can't get into without an invite," and "homemade lasagna." Yeah. Y'all are even starting to get jealous aren't you?

See? Hooks. They're tricky.
Isn't it nice to be cared for by others? Its such an encouragement and a boost. My Love being halfway around the world from me is the pits. But, man oh man, to feel the love coming from friends and neighbors turns that right around. I give all glory to God for being our provider. We never go without and always have so much to be thankful for, these last days have revealed an even greater depth in his care.

For instance: my friend Anna, who lives in another country mind you and has 5 children of her own, visited with us over Chinese New Year.  She apparently picked up on the fact that we order Dominoe's online to have it delivered. I kid you not folks, she wouldn't take no for answer, home girl is planning to order Dominoe's for us on Tuesday and have it delivered. (is this thing on?) SHE LIVES IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!  Glory be. We are so blessed in our friends.
My friend Anna with her hubs. Us all on a uber-romantic Valentines Day dinner.
So we are surviving, even thriving. Giving in and receiving the blessing of others' help sometimes makes me feel weak, or needy...at least beforehand it does. "I can do it!" says the American in me. But when I don't have to do a thing in the kitchen and then dole out a homemade lasagna for my family, it's not weakness or neediness I feel. It's gratefulness, humility, and encouragement.

So when things don't work out- like our birdfeeders or the washer repair man never calling, or me most likely losing my phone by it falling into a pond- it's not the end of the world. We'll just regroup, move the feeders so the cats can't get to them, then add "birdSEED" to Daddy's ever-growing Target/Walmart list, self-balance the load in the wash so it doesn't rock and roll through the spin cycle, and use Daddy's phone 'til I get the energy to go buy another one and somehow communicate to all my friends here my new number. 
Hooks facing correct direction, and now some little bird pellets for the stray cats in the neighborhood.
There is so much for which to be grateful. Have you looked today? Maybe you're gonna be the lasagna maker today and not the lasagna receiver. But there's blessing in both (it's why when I finally gave in to my friend wanting to order pizza her response was "Good! Consider it done!") I hope no matter your circumstances today that you search for the blessing of gifts given or the blessing of opportunities to bless and that you choose to let THAT be what you think of when people say, "So...how's it going without your husband there?"

Gotta go for now, the washer load is off-balance. Make it a good one today, mmmkay?

11 March 2013

Yes, this was planned.

a Day at the Waterfall from Anthony Rivers on Vimeo.

The question we've gotten most so far is, "Was this planned?"
"Yes." is my answer.
It has apparently been planned by God since the foundation of the world. Looking at it like that makes it easier for us to grasp the idea of another precious soul in our care. Another little person. We opened our hearts to this plan about 2 weeks or so before the Lord revealed that he was POSITIVE this was his plan. We were willing, the Lord was able and willing. Now "i4" is on the way! We know exactly what causes it ;) and are rejoicing over this little life as much as we did when we found out "i1" (aka- Isaac) was on the way. We are STILL planning to adopt in 2014.

So, for the next couple years you may find me under what seems like a pile of diapers, but I will probably be able to give a good argument that I'm actually under a pile of blessings. Children are loud (mine in particular), they're messy, they smell, they cry, they laugh, they're cute, they make us laugh, they're full of potential, they're picky eaters, they require a great deal of energy and time, but they are most definitely a gift, a heritage, a great big blessing from the Lord!