We've paid off our home study fees and it mostly happened because of the lovely faces you'll see below. (Also, we've saved, done odd jobs and others have given through our "Go Fund Me" account)
We raised over $1600!
We had hoped that maybe we could eek out close to a thousand, so this total just blew us away!
One thing in particular stood out to us about our friends through the shoots and the editing...
They're all good looking.
(I realize at this point you have probably already scrolled down and glimpsed that first pic of little Miss Jenna, but stay with me y'all! It'll only take a second THEN you can go look at the rest, okay?)
How is that?
Statistically speaking this should not be. Let's be honest...we ALL didn't win the genetic lottery. It's just the way the world works. Yet, these photos are proof against the odds.
And I don't think I'm saying that just because I think my hubs did a bang-up job capturing these images. Or because we know everyone personally and it was SO encouraging that they wanted to help us add to our tribe.
Though, I could just be biased because everyone gave us money? Sort of a, "they paid me to say that" kinda thing. (*wink wink*)
See for yourself.
Just scrolling through these makes me feel ten different kinds of grateful and humble. Isn't it neat how being on the receiving end of generosity makes you feel that way?
God has just knocked it straight out of the park in how He's blessed us with friends.
Our deepest thanks to all of you who participated.
A quick adoption update:
We are now in the "waiting" period. (happens a lot in adoption)
Meaning that our profile book is ready to be shown and read by expectant parents who are wanting to make an adoption plan for their children.
Hopefully we'll get chosen soon! Our prayer is that we will get chosen by the end of the year so that we can return to our "normal" life in Malaysia as quickly as possible.
We know adoption has this crazy habit of not going like you hope.
We also know that our God is capable of doing big things and giving us even more than we ask or think.
So we're praying for the Lord's will to be done as we wait.
Thanks again all of you who participated in our fundraiser! When we DO get a child, we plan on putting all of your faces in their baby book so they can see exactly who some of the people were who helped bring them home!