28 March 2013

A is for...***


Y'all, my hunka hunka burnin' love has been in 'merica for 20ish days now and I cannot WAIT for this man to come back home. The thing is, I LOVE him for the fact that he went there to help his mom and be a hands-on son. My mother-in-law (even though this post isn't about the letter "M") totally bought me a cast iron griddle to thank me for loaning him out for 3 weeks. She totally didn't have to do that, but now we get to use the Star Wars pancake molds my friend Danielle gave us a couple years ago. Speaking of Anthony and Star Wars, I love this man and his unashamed fondness for that beloved space opera that happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. He is just as excited about the griddle as me, because I bet he's already had the same idea I have about adding green food coloring to the batter for the Yoda mold. What's not to love about a man eating pointed-ear green pancakes? He a researcher, which, in stark contrast to my jump in with both feet-ness, has greatly improved the quality of our life. Part of the conversation on our birthday date to the Mexican place in town went like this,

Anthony: "This drink is good. I bet I could make this."
Me: "You think? Why not just come here though?"
Anthony: "It looked easy from what they said it was made from on the menu. It'll be fun."

And so part of our post birthday meal included him looking up a "Horchata" recipe and having it made by the next morning. He's aggrivates and makes me so proud simultaneously with his humility about his abilities. He won't push his skills on anyone, so I play talent agent. "Oh what? You didn't know my husband was incredibly good at _________? He IS! You should get him to help you with that." He has become a dedicated runner and although I knew when I married him that the best was yet to come, that man has gotten into such good shape the last year and a half and is sexier than ever these days. Cap off the commitment to family, the nerdiness, the talent, and the hott-ness with a HEAVY dose of good theology and a desire to live out his beliefs and you have, quite simply, the man of my dreams.  Can't wait to have you back Love!

***So now that you've read my "A" post, if you have a blog, write a "B is for..." post on yours! Then encourage your readers to follow suit with "C" and so on. Leave a comment on my blog letting me know your blog address so I can read what you have to say about the letter B! ***


  1. Can I just say that I LOVE horchata! It's SO good! I know you'll be glad to have him back. I liked this sweet post :)

  2. This was such a fun post to read. You're amazing for being a single-mother-of-three-with-one-on-the-way. :) Thought you'd be happy to know that we've been (freezing our tails off) in Berlin for the past couple of days. Maybe I should write a B is for... Berlin post when I get home... or a B is for Baby Shower since that happened last Saturday.

  3. Did you know that I very often try to click over here to read your stuff because your comments are THE BEST but I can't ever get through...So happy you posted this lunk (typo, but funny enough to keep) for Becca over at my place.

    Am I making any sense here? *tap tap* Is this thing on???

    You and your hubs are the cutest ever and your hair is radness.
